Jamboread! - OrisiRisi encourages kids to read during a Jamboread! event |
Tell me a story - Don Harrell, of OrisiRisi African Folklore, tells African stories and teaches |
Africa Unplugged - Loris Elementary kids learn African folklore |
Dance Lesson - Tutu Harrell leads teachers at Fort Mill Elementary School in an African folk dance |
Opening minds to the world - 500 students learn about Africa's diversity |
Going Global - teaching African culture to students |
OrisiRisi teaches and entertains |
Drumbeat strikes rhythm of learning - Seniors getting broad education |
Gullah introduction - Don and Tutu Harrell perform at Penn Center for 'Gullah Gullah Island' |
Storytellers share 'different things' - Storyteller Don Harrell and wife with students |
Diversity R.A.V.E Respect Appreciate Value Everyone - Certificate of Recognition |
The Daily Report - A publication of Walt Disney Entertainment Planning & Development |
African Aerobics - Course combines ancient dance, drum beat in exercise |
North H'ville Students see African Dance |
Drumbeat strikes rhythm of learning - Seniors getting broad education |
African Traditions Widen Kids' Worlds |
Africa Unplugged - Couple shares African folklore with Loris students |
Celebrating Differences - Don and Tutu Harrell perform |
Drums Over Wilder - Don Harrell instructs a fourth-grade class at Wilder Elementary School in Orisi Risi |
Folklorists drum up interest in African music, stories |
Hearing the Sound of Distant Drums - Students embrace cultural diversity |
An African Beat Touches People |
With the beat of his drum professor ignites movement |
Infectious djembe beat transports drummer, kids |
Story telling - Don Harrell of "Orisirisi" talks to students at Carver Elementary School |
Students dance to beat of African folklore |
Students learn to drum beat |